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tv   FOX 45 News at 530  FOX  September 23, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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. >> 28,000 dollar office for a city employee. >> definitely. over the top. really nice bathroom. >> who spent the money and what happened to all of this when the new adminissration moved in. >> baby formula recall. the pet that made its way into this similar lacc and what could happen if the baby swallows it. how long the heat wave will last and hit the 90's and hen cooler temperatures move into sky watch forecast..%in the >> and paying mm. for coffee. which drink at star buck willl -ússon cost more and thh -ússon cost more and thh úondittons forciig >> hello. >> 22,000 dollars and taxpayer money toorenovate a city official's office. storyyyou are seeing first on fox
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tonight. jeff standing by live at city hhll with what tte economic crisis. jeff. >>reporter: well the office is ight up here on the sixth faceliff. the office was rennvated more than a year aao when former director david department of public works. his 28,000 dollar office renoovtiin included a stone wa wall, hard wwod floors,,rug aad 200 dollar chair. now scotttwho worked underrformer mayor dixon was forced to úeeve earlier this year but deep budgee cuts during laat year budget season. >> our men and womee are forced to take furlough days. don't get raises. we are constantly bbing asked to give and give. yet we have money
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to do hings like this.. >>reporter: thh new director of public works has now moved into thaa offfce and has replaced some of that new designer furniture with old already had in stock. we arey live t iiy hall tonight, news at 5:30. thank you jeff. it's our duty to hood our government accountable and you can help watch. if you see government waste call our had the llne at this number on the screen. you cannalsoogo tooour web site and click on waste watth. investiiating after a man is shot in east baltimore. happened around 10:00 o'clock in north broadway and east oliver street. they found the victim ssot several times in the stomach. rushed to police have no suspect nord. motive at this time..% police in baltimore county arrest a man they say is assault and attempted rape. they arrested la mont garriso!! úarrison. police saa he's responsible for attempted rape on franklin avenue ii july and
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sex assault in monica place back in june. police -úinitially arrested garrison last weak while patrolling the area because he matched the subject's description. >> the detectives came down to interview him but did not have enough at the time a week ago coofirmed by our biology unit that he was in fact the one who committed those ccimes. looking at whether garrison is reeponsible for other crimes ttat took place near his home lasstmonth. he's being held at the county detention center without bond. attorney for 3 men accused of killing ffrmer city investigation. keith standing by live at the courthousee% úhere the lead detective back on the stand today. keith? >>reporter: detective david tv dil spent most of the day% giving jurors a play by play úf how he handded the homicide investigatioo. now someone
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shot nd killed harris outssde the ew haven lounge dance including club in september two years ago. today once agaii prosecutors show jurors surveiilance video and photographs. they say the defendants are in that viieo. surveillance picture not released to the media that were taken in he lounge you can ssa he gunnan enters and the bartender and atrons put their hands in the air and their heads down. defense attooneys are quessioning the image in the viddo. ther trying to show flaws in how detectives handled the investigation and evidence in this case. >> there was a picture on the one of he surveillanne video of a young lady whoo n mm pip was there. but even though the detective the primary detective drove all the way up to upstate new york almost to never above the towarddfindhe úut who the person as ddpicted in the video. that was one ne example. >>reportee: prosecutors say
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the an dnn wassfound on several items near the crime scene including a mask. they the case when the trailparr f resumes tomorrow morning. live now outside courthouse east at downtown baltimore fox okay keith. 2 dogs are dead after being shot by baltimore city police serving a search warrant. happened evening at home on west landy úelt street near mirlts avenue. pit bulls were innide when the police arrive arrived. after somewhating the dogs police say they found a large amount of heroin. >> city police need your help tooight ineeago missing elderlyywomaa. thhy are úookinggfoo 72-year-old the woman last seen back in julyy near ilkins and kate avenue. sevvral illnesses and needs medication. anyone who seee her should call 911. -ú>> woman is dead after a car aaccdent at thh white marsh mall pprking lot. happened at noon today. police say the driver lost ccntrol and was
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thrown from her vehicle when she hit a light pole. police say the driver could have been involved in a shoplifting incident in the i key a store but was not being chased by police at the time. family of man illed in a crash on the chesapeake bay bridge reaches a settlemenn with thh familyyof the driver who caused the aacident. back in 2008 57-yeaa-old john shore died after he swerved his car has agrred to pay shoot's family 100,000 dollars. woman in the oncoming car had a blood alcohol level of.03. that was too low to press criminal charges. lauren cook has traffic edge report. lauren? >>reporter: thank you jennifer. we re eeling with congession on many of our main lines. only looking at 21 miles pee hour traveling norton 95 through the fort mchenry tunnel and slow if traveling on the jfx. lead to earlier crash on the
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northbounddlanes at cold spring lann. unfortunntely the delay will continue as we make our way to the top side of the belt way where accident has just cleared frrm the inner loop at 83. as we check in and live look in the opportunities nd area right here at york road speeds at 27 miles per hour inner loop and heavy on o harper road. west side things moving along a littte bit betterrbut it will be slow from 955to receive 95. tt you. >> thanks so muuh. ravens fans we are officially less than three days away now ffom the major home opener. >> oh, and the gang from the bank stadium were out at harbor police today. they ad food. give away and other fun things to help get ans pumped up to rallyyarrund thh raven foo the show down against the browns. >> 1 and 1 cominn home. we aae going to be tw and 1 after beating the browns. that's a guarantee by me. >> well, l i hopeewe make it
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to suuer bowl aad take it úll, that's all. >>reporter: there you o. and fans are showing off their purple pride on our web site. this family is rocking for the ravens. playing rock band during half time. >> and kim from baltiiore shows she could be the biggest ravens fan. her avens room has it all. rom raaens furniture to the big screen únd football fieed carppt. >> let's go see the game there. >> i like tonight looks like fun. pride. send pictures of your ! friends, kids, pets, enemy even yourseef. go to our web in the commuuity feature pride section. >> it is indeee fall now but out there..%a loo like summer >> it does. vytas tells us how long the heat wave will stickkaround. >> heallh care eform. major
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measure. >> this is the 1 b
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bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side. baltimore west side but the price tag is harr to swallow during these times. we have the latess on thh
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redevelopmmnt proposal. john. >>reporter: project has been in the works for many years but critic believe the public private pprtneeship may not bb much of aabargain for the ssate. back in june the board of public works gave the atravel to the the massivv project. features new retail offices and homes and project calls for the old staae -ústate would then lease office >> we have been in a budgete to -údeficit situation for a couple -úyears and the trends still look positive. so why would the state take a riik of pushing our credit limit to the max on a project right no now? >>reporter:: lieutenant governor brown is definancing the project. he call hes it revitalize state government and the community. >> thank you johnn >> baltimore county gets almost 5 million dollars in
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federal money toohelp pay for thhemaximum amount of snow removal his past winter. >> fema approoed 4.8 million dollars in federal aid foo the county today. if help cover the cost of theedecember and received more than 30 million dollars to help cover he cost of cllaning up. >> feels like summer out there onnthe first day of autumn. >> it does. vvtas here now with the first look at the forrcast. vytas. >>reporter: man i don't know but but i'm just from the remember shovelinn. with all the nice weather we have throughout don't even want to think about snow. this ii the úirst full day offfall and beautiful one oot there. well continue to see the hot air build in from the south. feel mr. like summer temperatures -úand normally thii time of contrary in the mid upper 70's. we sse those lower 90's and mid 90's in the úeighborhood. hd radar showing a few little pop up showers along a ttoogh that is trough that i across thek
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state right now and allowing %-
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tonight sneak peek at mercy hospiial brand new olololold bbs canning company. today these factories are full of dot com businesses. and now my job is helping maryland create
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new economy jobs. training new math and science teachers investing in our institutions of excellence pioneering new cyber security jobs and giving an old gm plant a jump start building electric motors. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know i'm fighting for you.
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investigators this week and said nothing about the popular apple ccll phone exceet that he hopes apple will allow verizon to sell the phone on its nnw tl network. the networkkisn't open for service yet ann won't be finished >> and you have to dig a depending on what you like to drrnk at starbucks. company is increasing the prices for vent size items and hard tt make drink. the ones the guy in front of you always ordering. the prison or regular coffee drink will hold steady for ow. starbucks says it has to hike prices trouble in social networking landdtonight. facebook down for about 45 minutes this afternoon. seevice apppers o be back now but many users still complaaning that the sitt is unusually slow. no word frrm
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facebook yet about why he site went down or when things will be completely back to normal. for all you bookkworms we have the perfect weekend activity foo you. that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense.
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23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. .
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>> ravens have done a lot of waiiing for sergio kendall and this evening and part of thee% wait is ver. top draft pickk6 second round certainly yo kendall as agreed to a contract. kendall ets a rookke 10 dearrof 320,000 prosecute rted 2 82,000 on his way o baltimore and will officially sign tomorrow. afttr he signed kendall placed on the non-football injury this season but we knew that already. he suffered a skull fracture after fall down 2 flights of stairs. kendall hopes to return next soappbut
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noohing is certain as of yet. >> withhkendall about to sign the real focus at owens mills is the present the klaev lann pwruns this sunday. they expect to win buu they wantttoo improve and one pecific area. that's turn overs. blythe or not the defense playing, they forced only one a fumble. no únterceptions at all. that's obviously veey unraven like and somethhng they intend to address thii sunday. -ú>> you always want to get turn overs and especially in season or game when it is going backkand forth. that's the job that defense to try to get turn overs and the biggest thing is any turn over you play to get turn overs but when they come to you, you can't squander pportunity. >>reporter: kristen brings you sundaa game with the browns. announce the winner for tomorrow high school game of the week and chris car joins me for the silver spotlight tonight at 10::0 on
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sports unlimited. >> thanks so much. >> another beautiful day out theree a little arm. >> gorgeous. fall is looking. >> a beautiful fall day out there. wwih plenty of sunshine. warm temperaturee feee more like summer and 90's. looks like we are going to see it heat up quite bait for tomorrow compared to cam inner harbor shot fabulous day to be downtown enjoying the weathhr and looks like we'll see a beautiful night. clear sky.. moon llt. thh looks llke right now sitting at yaiv degrees. fee úcattered clouds buttnot many. winds out of the south south building up out of tte south. lack at the 800s across from philadelphia that harrisburg. 83 in salsbury, dover cooll% spot at 78 degrees but as we %úvirginia, 94 degrees inthern -úcharlottesville and richmond únd 95 degrees and hoo spot right there and looking at 93 in charlesson. we are going to feed into speed limit of
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that heat as the high pressure that is sitting down over north carolina aad virginia helping pop up a few little showers we saw off to sterling sterling,,virginia and western suburb of the dc area. but we should stay clear from that as the hot air continues to build in+++ath0ats0=2ate0atm0atf1+++
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god, i love the smell of hot wings.


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